The Official Blog of United Solutions

The Core

Why I Love Small Credit Unions

By: Jim Giacobbe

October 05, 2023

I walked in to find Lisa Connell working away at her desk. We had a 3:00pm appointment together to discuss our progress and see how best we can assist the credit union. I have known Lisa for the better part of fifteen years, and she is amazing.

Lisa has worked in the credit union industry most of her life.  I consider her old school, an original gangster. She can perform every responsibility at the credit union and do them all well. Maybe not at the same time, but she knows her business. She has been working diligently to help a small credit union survive in a suburb outside of Dallas, TX.

During our meeting, a gentleman walks into her office and asks her questions, interrupting our meeting. Lisa tells me the foundation of the building was crumbling around the bathrooms, and now she finds herself in the middle of a construction project the credit union can ill afford. She isn’t upset, it is just happening and she is dealing with it.

As we talk, Lisa tells me she lost her accounting person and how finding good accounting help is difficult. Lisa called Raul, who had retired from the credit union, and asked if he could help. That was a year and a half ago. Raul is 82 years old and sharp as a tack. Lisa said he works from home now and she is grateful to have him back. I know that Raul sees Lisa’s passion to help the credit union, and even though he retired, he cannot help but jump in and help her. Her passion has become his as well.

Lisa has a home banking and mobile conversion happening at the credit union. She is doing much of the work herself.  She is also doing an ATM Deposit Capture Project and an Optical System Upgrade at the same time. Lisa has doubled net income in twelve months and her assets have increased 26% over the past five years. She is slowly moving the needle.

The construction guy is back in her office. We are trying to do a product demonstration, and her grandchildren are texting her about dinner. Lisa handles all of this, and then puts her head down on the desk. For the briefest of moments, I am not sure if I am witnessing the tipping point that will send Lisa over the edge. Instead, she pops back up with a smile and tells me how crazy it is running a small credit union. I appreciate that she felt comfortable enough with me to just put her head on her desk for a moment, and I am glad to see that she will never surrender. Many people rely on Lisa and her endless determination. She touches so many lives in a positive way.

Lisa represents many men and women across the United States that run small credit unions. She supports her staff, her members, and anyone else that needs help. Oddly, I felt energized leaving Lisa’s office. Maybe because I had a glimpse of her life and how hard she works to keep the wheels on the bus and realized how good I have it. I am so thankful for Lisa Connell and other small credit union CEOs who work tirelessly for every inch just to keep the doors open.

**Originally published on Jim Giacobbe's LinkedIn Page.**

Jim Giacobbe

Jim Giacobbe has been with the United Solutions Company since 2005 when he accepted a position as Chief Technology Officer. Jim eventually became the Chief Operating Officer and then Chief Executive Officer when Ray Cromer Jr. retired in 2010. Jim’s commitment to the credit union industry, innovative technologies, and team integrity has made him a respected and successful leader across the credit union service technology industry. Jim explains, “If we treat our customers and our staff with respect, offer best of breed technology, control expenses, and work hard to provide the best service possible we are way ahead of our competition. The formula for success isn’t that hard, but being disciplined and staying on task is the challenge.”