The Official Blog of United Solutions

The Core

United Solutions Company produces Training Portal to include Core Data Processing

October 05, 2022

October-2022 – Tallahassee, FL – United Solutions Company (USC) created a Learning Management System (LMS) to help credit unions with new employee onboarding and ongoing employee training.  Our unique product offers the ability to upload and manage your own content, while tracking your employees’ results. With the gamification the product offers a credit union can be confident that lifelong skills such as problem – solving, critical thinking, social awareness, cooperation, and collaboration will be instilled in their employees. The product is cost effective, flexible, offers a better way for employees to concentrate and repeated exposure to ensure policy and procedures are upheld.

United Solutions CEO, Jim Giacobbe, said, “Our new LMS was created to help credit unions as they began to add staff lost from COVID and the great resignation.  We created our own content for the core systems and plan to add content for Wisdom General Ledger, LynxGate, and other system that interact with the core.  I have been encouraging our clients to include the training charts and graphs in their monthly board reports to demonstrate their commitment to learning.”

Founded in 1983, USC serves as the technology center for approximately 100 credit unions across the U.S., while also providing innovation leadership and other services to many other financial institutions. With credit union services ranging from core data processing and email hosting to network services and business analytics, United Solutions offers end-to-end technology packages. As part of this new offering, credit unions will be able to receive in depth training on the core systems USC offers, accounting module, OnCore Suite, and much more.